Perfect sound
Perfect atmos­phere
from the very first note.

As you go about your event, re­new­ing acquaint­ances, shar­ing joy with fa­vor­ite people, we’re there, fil­ling the air with mu­sic that brings a sense of ce­le­bra­tion. When the Barry Brake groups play mu­sic at your event, peo­ple can talk com­fort­a­bly — but of­ten you’ll find them spon­ta­ne­ous­ly tak­ing a whirl on the dance floor.

I know that plan­ning an event, even a small one, is a huge task. My the­o­ry is that you’ve got e­nough to wor­ry about with­out hav­ing to wor­ry about the band.

So I make sure I’m ea­sy to deal with. I’ve got years of ex­pe­ri­ence do­ing so­ci­e­ty dan­ces, cor­por­ate e­vents, wed­dings, club dates, and more. That means I and my bands know just a­bout eve­ry ven­ue in town — we seam­less­ly deal with all the de­tails that you, there­fore, don’t have to. And, speak­ing of towns, we’ve play­ed all ov­er, in­clud­ing San An­to­ni­o, Aus­tin, Dal­las, Hous­ton, and a hun­dred pla­ces be­tween.

My con­tract is sim­ple and straight­for­ward. We set up eas­i­ly, our e­quip­ment looks spif­fy, and we dress and look nice.

Click a­round, lis­ten, find out more, and let’s get in touch.


contact us solo piano combos jazz protagonists passion social dance big band