solo piano

At sev­en­teen, I was play­ing pi­an­o in the lob­by of San An­to­ni­o’s glam­o­rous Gun­ter Ho­tel ev­e­ry day. I’ve been do­ing it ever since, for pri­vate par­ties, re­cep­tions, wed­dings — and, one de­light­ful af­ter­noon, high tea for a King Will­iam gen­tle­man and his guest.

With a broad rep­er­toire and a tech­nique that comes from years of ex­per­i­ence, I’ve pleased au­di­en­ces all over the world with my so­lo pi­an­o work.

Thanks for mak­ing our cock­tail hour so clas­sy and re­lax­ing. I got sev­e­ral com­ments from peo­ple a­bout the great pi­an­o mu­sic. We were thril­led to have you.” Rachel Gonzales, bride

Some pi­an­o play­ers can be flaw­less back­ground play­ers, and some can be in the spot­light; very few can do both. Bar­ry does both. ” Leland S, host

I want­ed to thank you for be­ing so pol­ish­ed and pro­fes­sion­al. The par­ty could­n’t have been more suc­cess­ful, and you were a big part of it. For a clas­sic­al­ly-train­ed con­cert-lev­el pi­an­ist, you sure look­ed like you were hav­ing fun. You real­ly made the eve­ning spar­kle, and we’ll def­i­nite­ly be call­ing you a­gain soon.” Dean J, host