big band

For a glam­or­ous ga­la or a spark­ling re­cep­tion, there’s no­thing like the clas­sic big band sound. A row of so­phis­ti­ca­ted sax­es, a row of swoop­ing trom­bones, a row of snaz­zy trum­pets, and a swing­ing rhy­thm sec­tion can al­ways get peo­ple on­to the dance floor, no mat­ter what gen­er­a­tion.

I’m proud to an­nounce the a­vail­a­bil­i­ty of the Bar­ry Brake Or­ches­tra, a 17-piece band that rep­re­sents the ul­ti­mate in style, pro­fes­sion­al­ism, and su­perb mu­si­cian­ship.

Romantic, ur­bane, and burst­ing with the best mu­si­cians a­round, this is no ret­ro ex­er­cise in nos­tal­gia (though if you’re look­ing for a 40s-style show we can cer­tain­ly put it to­geth­er for you... CLICK HERE to find out about The Ha­waii­an In­ci­dent). No, this band is right up to the mi­nute, ex­pres­sing time­less songs of fes­ti­vi­ty and ro­mance, the kind that Mi­chael Bub­lé and Rod Stew­art and Di­a­na Krall still sell by the mil­lions, per­form­ed with an el­e­gance that nev­er goes out of style.