The Hawaiian Incident
& Other Adventures.

Not too long ago, a cli­ent had a big shin­dig with a Ha­wai­ian theme. The prob­lem: for the mu­sic, they wan­ted some­thing that pro­vi­ded great at­mos­phere and the per­fect set­ting for their par­ty — but they didn’t want the typ­i­cal uk­e­le­le-and-slide-gui­tar stuff, because they didn’t want a tour­ist­y lu­au. They said, “I don’t want to feel like Mr. Roarke.”

I men­tioned that, grow­ing up, I was al­ways in­trigu­ed by an album my parents had: Mar­tin Den­ny’s Ex­o­ti­ca. It sound­ed lush and tro­pi­cal, but with a twist. The cli­ent said, “Hey! My pa­rents had that al­bum too! with that girl with the beads on the cover! That would be per­fect.”

I do love a chal­lenge, es­pe­cial­ly a fun one. We ac­tu­al­ly got all the in­stru­men­tal­ists to­ge­ther, worked up three hours’ worth of mu­sic, and the shin­dig turn­ed out per­fect­ly. And we had a blast doing it.

An­o­ther cli­ent, throw­ing an an­ni­ver­sa­ry par­ty, told me her hus­band’s fa­vo­rite band was Herb Al­pert and the Ti­jua­na Brass. Is there such a thing a­round here, she won­dered? By now you know the an­swer: I do love a chal­lenge, es­pe­cial­ly a fun one. We even wore vests and bo­lo ties.

Na­tu­ral­ly, our spe­cial­ty is clas­sic jazz in the style of Mi­chael Bub­lé, Di­a­na Krall, Dave Bru­beck. But we’ll go the ex­tra mile in set­ting up mu­sic that’s just right for you. Dream big. And know that we’ll have a blast doing it.